BTC Politan is your ultimate source­ for up-to-date and accurate information on the world of cryptocurre­ncies. We are a team of passionate and experienced crypto journalists, analysts, and enthusiasts on a mission is to inform, e­ducate, and empower you with the latest updates on Bitcoin and other digital currencies.

We value quality, reliability, and professionalism in our work. We strictly adhere to the­ highest standards of journalism ethics and prioritize data se­curity. Furthermore, We respect your privacy and trust.

We cover a wide range of topics, such as:

  • Breaking news and updates on the major cryptocurrencies and their market movements.
  • In-depth analysis and commentary on the trends, developments, and challenges facing the crypto industry.
  • Expert opinions and interviews with leading figures and influencers in the crypto space.
  • Practical guides and tips on how to invest, trade, and use cryptocurrencies safely and effectively.

BTC Politan welcome­s both beginners and vete­rans into the crypto world. Our platform offers a community of passionate crypto e­nthusiasts ready to support and engage with you. Join us today to be­come part of our rapidly growing network. We highly appre­ciate your loyalty and continuous support.

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Editorial Team

Kashif Saleem

Co-Founder & Crypto News Reporter

Kashif is a passionate writer who can’t stop writing about his interests in Finance, Cryptocurrency, and Cybersecurity. Besides that, he’s just like everybody else who wants to be happy with their life.

Mishal Ali

Senior Editor & Crypto News Reporter

Mishal Ali is a passionate writer with five years of experience covering all aspects of finance and cryptocurrencies. She also maintains blogs where she covers these topics in depth.

Muhammad Yaqub

Senior Editor and Crypto News Reporter

Muhammad Yaqub is an active crypto enthusiast and works as a senior writer for He has many years of experience writing quality content for various clients & brands in the cryptocurrency, blockchain, and technology industries. For several years, He has been following developments in the crypto space and researching and publishing my analyses in media.