Arkham’s Crypto Kings: Exposing The $3.5B Holdings & The Mysterious 35% Fortress

The latest dashboard from blockchain intelligence firm Arkham indicates that the top five crypto whales, whose wallet addresses are publicly known, collectively possess approximately $3.5 billion in cryptocurrency.

However, a significant portion of this wealth remains inaccessible due to lost passwords and private keys.

On April 15, the on-chain intelligence platform unveiled an updated dashboard detailing the holdings of some of the world’s wealthiest on-chain-verified crypto holders and whales, including notable figures such as Tron’s Justin Sun and Ethereum’s Vitalik Buterin.

According to the data, the combined holdings of the top five crypto holders listed on the dashboard amount to $3.47 billion in digital assets. However, approximately 35% of this total, equivalent to $1.21 billion, is marked as ‘inaccessible.’

Justin Sun is at the top, reportedly holding $1.06 billion in his crypto wallet. His stash mainly consists of his stablecoin, Decentralized USD (USDD), valued at $275 million. Next up is the network’s token, Tron, valued at $237 million.

Rain Lõhmus, who started LHV Bank in Estonia, holds the second spot on Arkham’s list. He has $769 million worth of Ether. But here’s the catch: He can’t access it. Back in Nov, he said he lost the key to it.

Vitalik Buterin, one of the creators of Ethereum, holds the third spot with a wallet stuffed with $757 million. Most of it is in the form of 245,425 tokens.

Top Crypto Titans’ Wealth Revealed

Ripple’s ex-tech boss, Stefan Thomas, ranks fourth on the Bitcoin wallet list. But his $442 million Bitcoin stash is stuck. In 2011, he forgot his password, locking away over 7,000 Bitcoin on his encrypted hard drive. In October, a crypto rescue outfit, Unciphered, stepped in to crack open the IronKey hard drive.

As per Arkham, James Fickel, a guy into crypto investing, lands in the fifth spot, holding onto $436 million in digital assets.

Other important crypto wallets in the top ten include Patricio Worthalter, who got in early and has about $219 million in ETH. Winslow Strong, a General Partner at Cluster Capital, holds about $27.5 million in digital assets.

The dashboard shows wallets that Arkham tagged, what tokens they have now, how much money they got over time, a breakdown of portfolios across different chains, past daily balances, and what they’ve been up to lately.

But this list doesn’t include those big whale wallets owned by folks we don’t know, like Bitcoin’s founder, Satoshi Nakamoto. Reportedly, his collection of Bitcoin is valued at an astonishing sum, scattered across numerous distinct addresses. Also, there are other crypto big shots out there whose wallets we can’t pin down just yet.

Related Reading | Germany’s Largest Bank Embraces Positive Crypto Custody Service Offerings

The author’s views are for reference only and shall not constitute any investment advice. Please ensure you fully understand and assess the products and associated risks before purchasing.

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