Peace Of Mind: Lido Assurance On The Safety Of LDO & stETH Tokens

Lido Finance, an Ethereum staking protocol, ensures the security of both Lido DAO and staked-Ether (stETH) tokens. This assurance extends even when hackers attempt to exploit a known security vulner­ability in LDO’s token contr­act.

The “fake deposit” exploit allows nefarious individuals to execute transfers with a greater value than the actual funds the user holds.

Lido neither confirmed any exploits nor denied their existence, but they acknowledged a known security flaw. In response to a post by SlowMist, a block­chain security firm, on Sept 10, Lido assured that both LDO and stETH funds remain secure.

SlowMist reports that the token contract of LDO has a flaw, allowing malicious actors to execute “fake deposit” attacks on excha­nges. This issue arises because the token agreement of LDO permits users to carry out transa­ctions without the necessary funds, which deviates from the Ethereum Request for Comment 20 (ERC-20) token standard mentioned by SlowM­ist.

Nonetheless, Lido Finance contended that the vulnerability is inherent in all ERC-20 tokens, including Lido’s LDO token.

SlowMist reported that the “fake deposit” attacks origi­nated from the LDO token contract. In these attacks, transfers were executed with values exceeding the user’s owner­ship, deceiving them with a false return instead of reversing the transa­ction. While SlowMist mentioned an exploi­tation of Lido’s token contract using this method, they have not provided any on-chain evidence to support their claim.

Lido Commitment To Security: Addressing LDO Token Vulnerabilities

On Sept 10, the renowned on-chain analyst ‘Herc­ules’ highlighted that cryptoc­urrency exchanges might overlook this security vulner­ability during that time.

SlowMist suggests that individuals holding LDO should verify the return values of token contract trans­fers. It is important to confirm whether a trans­action has been successful or not.

A block­chain security company has disco­vered varia­tions in token contract impleme­ntations and behaviors across different projects. As a result, it is recommended to conduct compre­hensive testing before integ­rating any new tokens into the system.

However, in the official Ethereum Impro­vement Proposal document co-au­thored by Vitalik Buterin in Nov 2015, Lido emphasized that both the “tran­sfer” and “transf­erFrom” functions should provide the transfer status. Only under excep­tional circum­stances should they resort to reverting a transac­tion.

Lido has confirmed their commi­tment to update the LDO token integ­ration promptly guides to address the security vulnera­bility.

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