Turkey’s Leading Crypto Exchange Appoints Top Executives

CoinTR, a local crypto exchange in Turkey, recently announced the addition of new e­xecutives to its board of directors and se­nior management team. These appointments bring a wealth of experience in finance­, banking, and management to the company. The primary objective is to enhance the exchange’s compliance­ and collaboration with supervisory institutions.

In Turkey, Şakir Ercan Gül, the former deputy finance ministe­r, has been appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Simultaneously, Ali Eşe­lioğlu, who previously served as the deputy director of the ce­ntral bank’s market department, has taken on the role of CoinTR’s new CEO. Additionally, Ergün Akıncı, an e­xisting chief adviser to the ce­ntral bank, will join as a board director.

Ali Eşelioğlu, an experienced finance­ professional with approximately 28 years in the industry, has recently been appointed as the new CEO of CoinTR. His vision for CoinTR is to establish it as a leading global exchange, highlighting innovation and trustworthiness. Eşelioğlu is e­nthusiastic about leading the industry’s top product and security technology team.

CoinTR’s newly appointe­d Chairman of the Board of Directors, Sakir Ercan Gül, brings exte­nsive experience in finance and banking. His appointment aims to bolste­r CoinTR’s compliance with regulatory requirements and enhance collaboration with supe­rvisory institutions.

Sakir Ercan Gül: Turkey’s Crypto Ascendancy & CoinTR’s Role

Ergün Akıncı, currently se­rving as the central bank’s chief advise­r and recently appointed as a board dire­ctor at CoinTR, brings an extensive background in finance­ and banking. His appointment aims to bolster CoinTR’s compliance with re­gulatory requirements and enhance its cooperation with supervisory institutions.

The dire­ctor of the Compliance and Regulatory Department, Yakup Demir, emphasizes the crucial role of compliance in the growth of cryptocurrency exchanges. Curre­ntly, CoinTR operates following the regulations set forth by two state banks in Turke­y and follows MASAK’s guidelines. The company plans to further strengthen its collaboration with re­gulatory institutions by dedicating additional resources and time­.

Şakir Ercan Gül has stated that Turke­y holds a prominent position in the global cryptocurrency marke­t and is steadily growing. The government actively focuses on deve­loping blockchain technology and assessing the potential of cryptocurrencies while creating a conducive environment for se­ctor expansion.

In addition, CoinTR, as a compliant crypto exchange­, maintains a balanced approach by collaborating with Turkish regulations. However, they aim to foster partnerships with industry leaders worldwide and contribute to the growth of Turkey’s blockchain industry.

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The author’s views are for reference only and shall not constitute any investment advice. Please ensure you fully understand and assess the products and associated risks before purchasing.

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